Friday, March 8, 2013

International Women's Day

Happy International Women's Day!
This expression is displayed on my Sierra Club calendar, on the Amnesty International website, on the Google home screen, and in my school agenda. What exactly does it mean? We have an internationally recognized day for honoring women. If this inspires further awareness of global gender inequality and inspiring role models such as the women in the film Half the Sky, then by all means, let's celebrate. But it's interesting to note that we're devoting one out of 365 days to recognize half of the world's population. Does this mean that all the other 364 days are International Men's days? By trying to promote equality for women, are we not emphasizing the lack thereof? This calls to mind the concept of other calendar events, things like Black History Month. I absolutely support further acknowledgement of and education about African-American history, but again, this draws into contrast the other 11 months of the year- are those White History months?
I am glad we are spending this day drawing attention to women, because the more people pay attention, the better chance we have of improving equality. But I hope that we can move towards incorporating our awareness into everyday life. Happy International Women's Day, and may it last for 364 more.


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